Friday, July 6, 2012


yesterday was our injections class. We watched to boredom of how the shots are supposed to be given.
I have found the actual video we watched....... please pay attention at the 1:49 mark when she basically STABS herself! THIS is why I will not be doing the injections myself!

IUI- Injections

We asked all of our questions and then our skin had to be examined to see what needle is appropriate for our body. I took a picture of the three options. Nurse D said I am likely to have option B or C.

Let's pray for B.

Then we had the best news of all. When we went for our first consultation last week. We had EXTENSIVE amounts of blood work done. I specifically asked to check my thyroid, AGAIN. There has never been a doubt in my mind that I have some issue with my thyroid. There is no reason that every other individual in my family is thin EXCEPT for me. Every doctor's visit, every check- up I always ask to check it, and it always comes back fine. Not this time!

Nurse D explained that the range for your thyroid is <.04. They do not even like it to be that "high" they prefer it to be under .03. My thyroid checked in at 8.4!!!!  While yes this is dangerously high, and means I will be on medication for the rest of my life, will probably have to have surgery to remove it at some point, and is not something that will "go away".  I HAVE ANSWERS!!! 

Want to know what causes infertility? Thyroid problems!

Want to know what causes PCOS? Thyroid problems! 

Want to know what causes a low sex drive? Thyroid problems! 

Want to know why I cannot loose weight no matter how hard I try? Thyroid problems! 

Want to know what causes unexplained infertility? Thyroid problems! 

Want to know why I can't ovulate? Thyroid problems! 

Want to know what the number one cause in miscarriages is? Thyroid problems!  

I was also shown a chart that shows if you get pregnant on your own without treating Thyroid problems there is a 90-95% chance of miscarriage. Your body just cannot sustain the additional changes.

For almost 5 years, I have prayed that I would find the answers! That I would know WHY I had to suffer to long without getting my miracle. I HAVE MY ANSWER!

I left the hospital yesterday in tears, not sad tears, HAPPY tears! I witnessed my prayer finally being answered, and so today I am just thankful and appreciative.

I cried and let go of the guilt like I never have before. This stupid battle was not my fault. I have struggled so hard to understand and have lived in constant fear that I was being judged because of my weight, and now I know there is nothing I could have done, even if I wanted to!! My PCOS was all because of the thyroid. Infertility is because of the Thyroid, and now that I will have medicine to correct it, I can move on!!!! I cried because for so long I have thought I was "broken" and I'm not. My body just needed medicine. I was also able to go to the hospital THAT night without feeling sad, or depressed. I finally realized that THIS WAS OUT OF MY CONTROL!

Why this has never been detected before, I HAVE NO CLUE! I will find out, but not right now, I just want to be happy for a minute!

Other than that, the class went great. Our shots were ordered, and as soon as the next cycle starts, I will have an ultra-sound, and then start them! Husband will be administering them, and promises not to hurt me. They also have to done at night, so he has promised to give me whatever I need and pamper me that night! :) I will also take different medicines to promote a healthy pregnancy.

Then we found out that if it results in a positive pregnancy. (Fingers crossed) We will have an ultrasound once a week for 12 weeks. YAY!!! I get to see our baby(ies) every week! Now I can be positive and actually believe that this might work!

PLUS- our insurance has changed its policy and SO FAR everything has been covered EVERYTHING!

Thanks so much for all your prayers! They were heard!!

Prayer requests:
I am dealing with some other family stuff that needs to be fixed.
Pray that God is glorified through all of this!
Pray that I can share my faith through this!


  1. Thanks friend! It's nice to know, that not everyone judges me. Somethings are simply out of my control. My Control freak brain will just have to accept that!
