Thursday, August 2, 2012

2 WW

Sorry this is late. I have been recovering from Monday. Here is the total update. I did update some while I was going through the process. The most recent update is at the bottom.

I get excited thinking of what's about to happen. I know that we have one shot, but still remaining positive about the one chance. I'm also nervous. The nerves definitley took over for what is to come. Husband kissed me goodbye this morning when he left to do "his part" 

Now on my way to the hospital. I am trying to keep up general conversations, and be perky, but my insides are turning into  knots. 

My stomach is in knots as I sit in the waiting room. I try to find some peace, but I can't relax or calm down. I can't explain why this moment has me so tense because I know it's painless. So why in the world am I freaking out? Errr! I know! THIS IS OUR ONE SHOT!! 

As my name is called, I stand, and immediately feel the tears welling up in my eyes. She takes me to the room, and tells me to get undressed and relax.... YEA RIGHT LADY! 

As I sit there, all I can do is cry. I want so badly for this to work, and to become a Mom. It's al I can think about. My poor sweet husband just holds my hands, looks at me and says "Let's pray" and talks to Jesus for us. He says everything I couldn't say, then looks at me and tells me to "let it all go" so I start talking and say out loud my wishes and desires. After this, Mike finally starts making me laugh with stupid jokes that only I would find amusing. 

The RE walks in, and explains the procedure, until she is sure that I have no more questions. Once the procedure starts I hold his hand and look at him, and only him. This is all that matters. The 2 of us. There is a ton of pressure, minor pinching involved, and a lot of tugging. After about 25 mins, she tells me that she is all done, and for me to lie back for about 10-15 mins. NOW WE WAIT! 

So we are currently in the 2ww (2 week wait). I started another medicine that is supposed to promote the chances for a healthy pregnancy. 

Prayer requests: 
This be a quick and painless wait  
Continue to pray and trust. (This has been my biggest struggle) 

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