Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Couldn't have said it better myself.

I have subscribed to a blog on Youtube and she describes it best here........ Infertility SUCKS!!

My thoughts exactly. Even though I am CD 23. I did take the Clomid this month and had a positive OPK on CD 16.  I still have a thought it will be negative. I am tricking my brain to thinking it will be positive. I need to be positive, so prayers are appreciated.

Just wanted to let you guys know that this is how I am feeling. I do not want to sound like a Debbie Downer but I want people to let the "burden" of trying to not offend me go.

I will be positive though, until I have a reason not to be.

Thanks guys!


  1. Funny you should post this today of all days. I have on my to-do list "write to Marie." I wanted to say that I noticed how gracious and loving you were on Sunday. I was so proud that my heart actually hurt (in a good way)! You are giving God the lead here and trusting Him, and your most excellent husband, to get you through all this mess and into joy.
