Tuesday, December 6, 2011

It's been a while.

WOW! I realized why I never blog... I am terrible at it! There has been a ton going on. First to update from the last post. The holidays did come, and go. I didn't get brave and make it into the "empty room" not enough courage. Hubby still says that we need to live it alone. But I refuse to live my life in the "what if" mode. We ate WAYYYY to much, and were able to spend some great time with our family. Hubby's brother got engaged to a wonderful woman over the holiday, which made me very excited!! There is nothing that I love more than a wedding! We spent some great time just at our house, and decorated for the holidays as much as we could. I dreaded this time, but it was so nice to be able to sit back and relax with my husband. Sending him back to work that sunday was hard, but we managed. We did go to the doctor and got the all clear to start trying WITH the clomid. So now just waiting on that stupid period to arrive. I actually am 3 days past what is supposed to be "28 days" so if it doesn't come by day 35 then I have to get a pregnancy test, and call to get the progesterone to make it come. I am not as hopeful as my dear sweet man is.
On Sunday we went to his unit Christmas party and had a great time! As much as I do not like how he is treated at that unit, it was nice to see him in his element. He lit up explaining different things to me, and how equipment works. I never ask questions regarding his job, because I know it is so dangerous, and frankly it scares me. Well he had to "disappear" for a little while. I was watching a young 9 yr old girl playing with her baby sister, who couldn't have been more than 3 or 4. While the parents were outside I watched the older girl start running around frantic looking for her mom and dad. Her shirt was covered in blood. So I got up and went running to get the parents. I got out the door way and felt myself starting to stumble, and I caught it then I felt my ankle roll and pop. Long story.... I had to be taken to the emergency room, and was told I have a torn tendon in my ankle and a tiny tiny tiny tiny break. So now I am in a walking boot for the next 4 weeks until it heals. Good job Marie! On top of all of that I can not drive for 4 weeks, so my father is having to take me places, and it's not that I mind, but
So that is all for right now. I am mending a hurt ankle. I am trying to remain hopeful for something that I am almost positive is not there. Thank you all for reading. Even though there are not many readers, I always feel better after posting.

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